
Why can't I sign in with my OpenID account?

As of approximately November 11, 2008, Wetpaint will no longer support OpenID.
Why doesn't Wetpaint support OpenID?
  • Low usage. Out of over a million accounts, less than 200 registered users used OpenID. [Whoa... all buzz and no fly! - gil] 
  • Support costs. The costs to continue supporting OpenID are significant. It takes extra time for development and quality assurance testing each new release to make sure that OpenID works with the changes that we make. Given the low amount of usage, it makes more sense to focus these resources on building new features or improving existing features that are used by the majority of users.
What do I do now that I can't sign in with OpenID?
Two options:
  1. Create a new Wetpaint account, or
  2. Use the "Forgot your password?" link on the sign in dialog to reset (create) a password for your existing account.

Note: You can NOT associate or merge an OpenID with an Already created Wetpaint Account.
If you want to learn more about OpenID go to the OpenID project site.